Tag: Arduino Pro Mini

Running on Batteries

Featured image by Andreluiz Cunha from Pixabay.

Running on batteries does not carry your Arduino project very far? Well, when you want to run an Arduino project on batteries, you have to spend some thought on minimizing power consumption. Here we will look at what you can do when you use an AVR MCU. Often you will be able to reduce the average current consumption to a few microamps!

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Pimp Your Pro Mini

The Arduino Pro Mini is a very minimalistic Arduino board with a small footprint. For this reason, it is an ideal candidate for being used as the target board in a battery-operated system. In this blog post I’ll show you how to minimize power consumption and how to burn a new bootloader that saves flash memory, allows debugging, and fixes an annoying WDT bug.

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Another Piece of the Puzzle

For a recent geocache, which is a tribute to the well-known Tetris game, I wanted people to solve a simple physical puzzle (as shown in the image above). As a reward, they get a code that they can use to open a box. So, what do you have to do to make things work? And how do you make sure that you do not have to change batteries for the next 20 years?

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